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  Apie įmonę

Evergrowth began as an offshoot of Practica Capital, one of the main VCs in the Baltic region. We’ve spent 3 years working exclusively with early-stage startups in their portfolio, helping new venture...
Evergrowth began as an offshoot of Practica Capital, one of the main VCs in the Baltic region. We’ve spent 3 years working exclusively with early-stage startups in their portfolio, helping new ventures to go to market as fast (and as cheaply) as possible! This journey has granted us an incredible opportunity to both work and learn from some of the most ambitious teams of entrepreneurs across a range of industries (we also ate a lot of pizza in the process). One challenge that kept cropping up with most early-stage and later-stage companies across various sectors was a total lack of efficient system and tools needed to create a predictable and data-driven sales pipeline. We soon realized that our in-house workflow, tools and team of lead research specialists could add incredible value to any other B2B sales team and decided to make Evergrowth a venture in its own right. And that’s where our new chapter began. ​Today, although we still work with a handful of selected early-stage startups, our focus has shifted more towards later-stage B2B SaaS companies that already have a large base of paying customers and a sales team with SDRs and AEs – because that’s where we can make the biggest impact. We take full ownership of list-building and lead-enrichment to capture and constantly recycle your Total Addressable Market. ​ It’s our job to make sure your team focuses on that part of the sales funnel where you can extract most value, while we religiously tackle the data crunching for you.


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